Posts Tagged ‘x57l’

New GWAS SCZ loci (nature genetics 2018)

Tuesday, March 6th, 2018

Common #schizophrenia alleles are enriched in mutation-intolerant genes & in regions under strong background selection 50 novel SCZ loci & 145 loci in total, from #GWAS – associated w/ 33 candidate causal genes

We report a new genome-wide association study of schizophrenia (11,260 cases and 24,542 controls), and through meta-analysis with existing data we identify 50 novel associated loci and 145 loci in total. Through integrating genomic fine-mapping with brain expression and chromosome conformation data, we identify candidate causal genes within 33 loci.

Common schizophrenia alleles are enriched in mutation-intolerant genes and in regions under strong background selection
Nature Genetics (2018)

Bulldog Mobile (LiveSafe) App | It’s Your Yale

Sunday, March 4th, 2018

Shared molecular neuropathology across major psychiatric disorders parallels polygenic overlap

Monday, February 12th, 2018

Gene Expression Overlaps Among Psychiatric Disorders

Transcriptional profiling of post-mortem human brains reveals commonalities in the genes over- and under-expressed in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism, and major depression.

Google Sells A.I. for Building A.I. (Novices Welcome) – The New York Times

Sunday, January 28th, 2018

$GOOG Sells AI for Building #AI QT: “Humans must label the data before the system can
learn…once images…labeled…[it] operates w/o human
involvement…It can build a model from scratch.” How can one preview this? Will it be integrated into gphotos?

Initially, Google will open this service only to a small group of businesses.

But sometimes, there is no substitute for good old human labor. With Google’s new service, humans must label the data before the system can learn from it. …

Google says that once images are labeled, its new service operates without human involvement….Given more time, it
can build a model from scratch, specifically for the problem at hand.

If you are a zoologist who wants an algorithm that identifies jaguars and giraffes, said Fei-Fei Li, chief scientist inside the Google cloud group, all you have to do is supply the right images. “You upload jaguars and giraffes,” she said. “And you are done.”

What Amazon Alexa pays the people building its skills

Tuesday, January 9th, 2018

What $AMZN Alexa pays the people building its skills Strange “pseudo-compensation” to encourage app development.
Market-based or at the whims of the central planner?

“Wilson unexpectedly joined a new Alexa economy, a small but fast-growing network of independent developers, marketing companies and Alexa tools makers. They’re working to bring you voice-activated flash briefings, games and recipes through Amazon’s Echo speaker, Alexa’s primary home. By doing so, they hope to define the 3-year-old Alexa platform and make money from voice computing’s surging popularity.”

Our impact | European Bioinformatics Institute

Sunday, December 17th, 2017

useful stats Elitech Wifi Temperature and Humidity Data Logger Intelligent Remote Monitor RCW-800 wifi: Home Improvement

Thursday, December 7th, 2017

wifi+logging+thermometer LASCAR EL-WiFi-T Wireless Temperature Data Logger: Industrial & Scientific

Thursday, December 7th, 2017


What Happens When You Put 500,000 People’s DNA Online – The Atlantic

Monday, December 4th, 2017

What Happens When You Put 500,000 People’s DNA Online Goes over @UK_BioBank’s big effort to put out the data without preferential access & also the great excitement for rapid
dissemination via preprint servers such as @bioRxivPreprint

Five Best File Encryption Tools

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

GNU Privacy Guard v VeraCrypt – use w/ dropbox ? ease of install ?

“VeraCrypt (Windows/OS X/Linux)

VeraCrypt is a fork of and a successor to TrueCrypt, which ceased development last year (more on them later.) The development team claims they’ve addressed some of the issues that were raised during TrueCrypt’s initial security audit, and like the original, it’s free, with versions available for Windows, OS X, and Linux. If you’re looking for a file encryption tool that works like and reminds you of TrueCrypt but isn’t exactly TrueCrypt, this is it. VeraCrypt supports AES (the most commonly used), TwoFish, and Serpent encryption ciphers, supports the creation of hidden, encrypted volumes within other volumes. Its code is available to review, although it’s not strictly open source (because so much of its codebase came from TrueCrypt.) The tool is also under constant development, with regular security updates and an independent audit in the planning stages (according to the developers.)”
