Posts Tagged ‘x57l’

Bioconda: sustainable and comprehensive software distribution for the life sciences | Nature Methods

Wednesday, July 11th, 2018


Tuesday, July 10th, 2018

Pharmacogenomics of GPCR Drug Targets

Alexander S.Hauser
Leonie J.Jahn4
irill A.Martemyanov
David E.Gloriam
M. MadanBabu

vs it discusses using structure as a integrator in genomics .

Leonardo Da Vinci’s DNA

Sunday, July 1st, 2018

original announcement here: Rumors that they will make his DNA public very soon.

University Science Strategy Committee Report

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

Long-awaited @Yale STEM report calls for new research institutes Top recommendation is a new #DataScience institute! Followed by one for #Neuroscience. Cross-cutting recommendations on grad. student support & sci. cores (

Blog post itself has some interesting “text evolution”:

Points from the new University Science Strategy Committee Report :

Under Five Ideas for Top-Priority Investment: (University-wide Institute for) Integrative Data Science and its Mathematical Foundations and Neuroscience, from Molecules to Mind

Under Five Additional Priority Ideas: Computer Science, Conquering Cancer, Precision Medicine, Regenerative Medicine

Mark Gerstein — a professor of biomedical informatics— similarly emphasized the value of a new data science institute that would integrate Yale’s science campuses and discourage research “silos.” …
Another concern is establishing the specific role of the institute amid the various departments and programs at Yale that perform data science research, Gerstein said. For example, he said, Yale’s new Center for Biomedical Data Science, which Gerstein co-directs, might eventually be folded into the proposed institute.

How a few companies are bitcoining it – Sales from the crypt

Saturday, June 16th, 2018

How a few companies are bitcoining it “Bitmain & Bitfury…are designing ever-cleverer ASIC chips for their [#bitcoin] products. Bitmain’s individual mining machines sell for $1,300…on Amazon”

Bitmain and Bitfury, a firm based in the Netherlands, are designing ever-cleverer ASIC chips for their products. Bitmain’s individual mining machines sell for $1,300 each on Amazon, and Bitfury will install shipping containers filled with mining machines for a price that is undisclosed but is thought to be around $1m-2m.

Gene/Gene Wiki Partnership – Elsevier

Friday, June 8th, 2018

Related to earlier PLOS effort. Something to think about…

AI Chatbots Try to Schedule Meetings—Without Enraging Us | WIRED

Friday, June 8th, 2018

Today: Jason Moore, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics speaker, 6-6-18 in BML Auditorium at 4 pm

Friday, June 8th, 2018

Today: Jason Moore, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics speaker, 6-6-18 in BML Auditorium at 4 pm

Friday, June 8th, 2018

New algorithm can create movies from just a few snippets of text | Science | AAAS

Monday, March 19th, 2018

Interesting paper by alumnus Renqiang Min on “Video Generation from Text,” using a generative #MachineLearning model. (Press report by @SilverJacket: New algorithm can create movies from just a few snippets of text )

Video Generation from Text Yitong Li†∗, Martin Renqiang Min‡ , Dinghan Shen† , David Carlson† , Lawrence Carin† †