A #circadian gene-expr atlas in mammals by @jbhclock lab
http://www.PNAS.org/content/111/45/16219.abstract 43% of genes have a daily rhythm in at least 1 tissue [1/2]
.@jbhclock Fewest circadian genes in brain; most in liver. Perhaps this more reflects daily feeding cycle than true light-dark cycle? [2/2]
A circadian gene expression atlas in mammals: Implications for biology and medicine
Ray Zhanga,1,
Nicholas F. Lahensa,1,
Heather I. Ballancea,
Michael E. Hughesb,2, and
John B. Hogenescha,2
* Interestingly brain regions have the fewest circ genes(only ~3%), liver has most
* Diseases assoc with circadian genes correlate with NIH funding
* Genes can have up to a 6-hour phase diff. Between diff. organs (eg Vegfa betw. Heart & fat)
* 56 of the top 100 drugs incl. Top 7, targeted the product of a circadian gene. Related to the half-life of drugs.
* Could the liver genes be more reflective of feeding rhythm rather than true circadian clock.