Posts Tagged ‘brain’

Building a Brain in the Lab – Scientific American

Tuesday, January 31st, 2017

Building a Brain in the Lab Nice summary of the development of organoids & their promise for personalized treatments

The Brain That Couldn’t Remember – The New York Times

Saturday, August 13th, 2016

The #Brain That Couldn’t Remember Fight over the ownership of HM’s highlights issues in consent HT @FearLoathingBTX

Cell lineage analysis in human brain using endogenous retroelements. – PubMed – NCBI

Saturday, May 7th, 2016

Cell-lineage analysis in human #brain using endogenous retroelements Tracing L1 insertions w/ #singlecell sequencing

Using single cell WGS of 16 neuronal cells the authors investigated two somatic insertions of L1Hs elements in an adult human brain. Using these results the authors infer that L1 somatic insertions are infrequent and ALUs and SVAs somatic retrotransposition are extremely rare. Assessing two L1Hs insertions in 32 samples across different regions of this same adult brain, they found that while one insertion was spatially restricted (2x1cm region), the other was found across all samples of the adult brain (but not found in other tissues such as Heart, Lung, etc.). The more restricted one (L1Hs#1) is inferred to have happened during the Fetal stage (first trimester) while the broader one happened earlier, approximately 2 weeks
post-fertilization. Overall the paper is clear, concise, and simple. It answers an interesting biological question: Can retrotransposition be used as a marker of cell clonal expansion? It does, although the retrotransposition frequency is very small and SNVs might support better results for the same analysis due to their higher frequency..

Bacteria on the Brain – The New Yorker

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

Bacteria on the #Brain #bioethics discussion of greater allowance for risk in innovative treatment vs research

…Schrot sent an e-mail to Robert Nelson, a pediatric ethicist and oncologist at the F.D.A., describing the procedure and asking for advice. Nelson replied quickly. “If the product”—Enterobacter—“you plan to use is available to you,” he wrote, in part, “I would suggest you proceed under the strategy of innovative treatment rather than research.”

Understanding multicellular function and disease with human tissue-specific networks : Nature Genetics : Nature Publishing Group

Saturday, November 28th, 2015

Human tissue-specific #networks by @TroyanskayaLab
Brain-specific ones & NetWAS approach for combining #GWAS genes

access all tissue networks including the brain-specific
networks at

A Dying Young Woman’s Hope in Cryonics and a Future

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

A Dying Young Woman’s Hope in Cryonics & a Future Glioma sufferer opts for $80K Alcor crowdfunded, brain preservation


“If the $80,000 fee for neuropreservation seemed steep, they learned that about a third of it pays for medical personnel to be on call for death, while another third is placed in a trust for future revival. The investment income from the trust also pays for storage in liquid nitrogen, which is so cold that it can prevent decay in biological tissue for millenniums.

Some of what they found out gave them pause. Alcor’s antifreeze, once pumped through the blood vessels, transitions into a glassy substance before ice can form and do damage. The process, called vitrification, is similar to that used to store sperm, eggs and embryos for fertility treatments. But that glassy substance has been known to crack, likely causing damage of a different kind.


His brain, her brain?

Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

His brain, her brain? Neurosexism potentially results from multiple testing & only publishing positives

Sign in to read: Brain boosting: It’s not just grey matter that matters – life – 18 February 2015 – Control – New Scientist

Sunday, March 8th, 2015

Brain boosting: It’s not just grey matter that matters Learning involves changes to myelin sheaths, not just synapses

How Exercise Can Boost Young Brains

Tuesday, December 9th, 2014

How Exercise Can Boost Young #Brains Running around & acting like a kid is, in fact, good for kids. Duhh!

The U.S. BRAIN Initiative Boldly Begins – IEEE Spectrum

Monday, September 1st, 2014