Quantum monism
March 16th, 2019https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/quantum-monism-could-save-the-soul-of-physics/
Quantum Monism Could Save the Soul of Physics – Scientific American Blog Network
The multiverse may be an artifact of a deeper reality that is comprehensible and unique
What’s Slack Doing With Your Data?
March 16th, 2019US mental-health agency’s push for basic research has slashed support for clinical trials : Nature News & Comm ent
March 14th, 2019New dimensions and new tools to realize the potential of RDoC: digital phenotyping via smartphones and connected devices | Translational Psychiatry
March 14th, 2019Here’s What Happens When 2 Sons Buy a Billboard Asking for Birthday Wishes for Their Dad – The New York Times
March 14th, 2019Final Article — American Scholar Magazine
March 12th, 2019WORKS IN PROGRESS – SPRING 2019
Decoding DNA
On the hunt for the genetic roots of mental illnesses
By Marcus Banks | March 4, 2019
The model, a form of artificial intelligence, aims to use abstract knowledge gained in the research lab to improve clinical treatments for real patients. The ultimate goal, says Gerstein, is to use the model to develop pharmaceutical treatments that reduce the impact of schizophrenia. Part of the challenge in developing drugs to treat the disease is the fact that it is not a one-size-fits-all condition. “]]
From Genome to Phenotype Workshop YouTube Videos
March 12th, 2019The recording of NHGRI’s January 22-24 Strategic Planning workshop “From Genome to Phenotype: Genomic Variation Identification, Association, and Function in Human Health and Disease” is available online. The following webpage houses meeting information and links to the YouTube page that contains the recording:
Explore the NIST Privacy Engineering Collaboration Space
March 11th, 2019QT:[[”
the launch of the NIST Privacy Engineering Collaboration Space! The collaboration space is an online venue open to the public where practitioners can discover, share, discuss, and improve upon open source tools, solutions, and processes that support privacy
engineering and risk management. We have launched the space with a focus on de-identification and privacy risk management tools and use cases, gathered via GitHub for collaboration purposes.