Posts Tagged ‘zimmerome’

Carl Zimmer To Speak At Bio-IT World, Tackle Heredity, Genes, And How Our Understanding Of The Two Is Changing – Bio-IT World

Saturday, May 12th, 2018

“It was a huge amount of fun watching them take that raw data and put it through their own pipelines,” Zimmer told me, but he also felt uncomfortable pointing out discrepancies to the scientists he worked with. “I still remember, I was sitting down with Chris Mason at Weill Cornell. He and his students were so enthusiastically going through their findings with me… and they showed me, among other things, how many SNPs I had. Not too long beforehand I’d gone through the same experience with Mark Gerstein and his team at Yale, and their numbers for my SNPs were off by hundreds of thousands. … It was a little awkward with Chris, but I just said, ‘Hey, I got a very different number from Mark Gerstein,’ and Chris just shrugged and said, ‘Oh yeah, that happens.’”

It turns out, there’s a lot about our current understanding of our genes and how we pass them on that isn’t perfectly clear cut. “}}