Genome-wide characterization of..promoters w…enhancer functions Blurs distinction betw these, suggests flexibility
Genome-wide characterization of mammalian promoters with distal enhancer functions
Lan T M Dao,
Ariel O Galindo-Albarrán,
Jaime A Castro-Mondragon,
Charlotte Andrieu-Soler,
Alejandra Medina-Rivera,
Charbel Souaid,
Guillaume Charbonnier,
Aurélien Griffon,
Laurent Vanhille,
Tharshana Stephen,
Jaafar Alomairi,
David Martin,
Magali Torres,
Nicolas Fernandez,
Eric Soler,
Jacques van Helden,
Denis Puthier
& Salvatore Spicuglia
Promoting transcription over long distances
Rui R Catarino,
Christoph Neumayr
& Alexander Stark
Nature Genetics 49, 972–973 (2017) doi:10.1038/ng.3904
28 June 2017
“Should we be surprised that promoters can function as enhancers—or better—that enhancers and promoter regions can overlap? Probably not: the habit of annotating different genomic regions with distinct labels ignores the fact that DNA sequences typically encode different genetic functions in a rather flexible manner. Enhancers and promoters are determined by the presence of short degenerate motifs, and even protein-coding regions display flexibility due to the degeneracy of the genetic code. Therefore, a single DNA sequence can encode different types of functions, including enhancer function of protein-coding regions or—as shown now—enhancer function of