Posts Tagged ‘basis0mg’

A Search for Anti-Aging Secrets Starts With the Blood of 600 Estonians | WIRED

Sunday, September 17th, 2017

Search for #AntiAging Secrets Starts w. Blood [biomarkers] Alternatively walking speed may be test best predictor

“It’s possible this is all a wild goose chase, and that we already have a powerful biomarker for aging. Steve Cummings, a longtime aging researcher at UCSF, pulled together NIH study data from over 30,000 people over 30 years to look for markers of disease-free survival. The strongest, most consistent signal he found isn’t in blood at all: It’s walking speed. …
They identified a few molecules as well, like cystatin-C, which tells you how healthy your kidneys are (can’t live without your kidneys), and a few other measurements that reflect inflammation. But even with lots more molecules to work with, Cummings still thinks that blood-based tests are more hype than anything else. “Even 20 to 30 predictors together adds only a little to prediction of survival by age,” Cummings says. “And I’m confident that walking speed alone will outperform any new biological marker.””

Anti-ageing pill pushed as bona fide drug

Wednesday, July 5th, 2017


“Current treatments for diseases related to ageing “just exchange one disease for another”, says physician Nir Barzilai of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. That is because people treated for one age-related disease often go on to die from another relatively soon thereafter. “What we want to show is that if we delay ageing, that’s the best way to delay disease.”

Barzilai and other researchers plan to test that notion in a clinical trial called Targeting Aging with Metformin, or TAME. They will give the drug metformin to thousands of people who already have one or two of three conditions — cancer, heart disease or cognitive impairment — or are at risk of them. People with type 2 diabetes cannot be enrolled because metformin is already used to treat that disease.