Timescales in Biology

September 29th, 2019


How to stop data centres from gobbling up the world’s electricity

September 29th, 2019


“The savings made by hyperscale centres can be seen in their power usage efficiency (PUE), defined as the total energy needed for everything, including lights and cooling, divided by the energy used for computing (a PUE of 1.0 would be a perfect score). Conventional data centres typically have a PUE of about 2.0; for hyperscale facilities, that’s been whittled down to about 1.2. Google, for one, boasts a PUE of 1.12 on average for all its centres.

Older or less technologically adept data centres can contain a mix of equipment that is hard to optimize — and some that is even useless. In 2017, Jonathan Koomey, a California-based consultant and leading international expert on IT, surveyed with a colleague more than 16,000 servers tucked into corporate closets and basements and found that about one-quarter of them were “zombies”, sucking up power without doing any useful work — perhaps because someone simply forgot to turn them off. “These are servers sitting around doing nothing except using electricity, and that’s outrageous,” says Koomey.”


Modern humans may be evolving to deal with carbohydrate-rich diets – Diet and evolution

September 29th, 2019

Genetic diversity of CHC22 clathrin impacts its function in glucose metabolism | eLife

Matteo Fumagalli, Stephane M Camus, Yoan Diekmann, Alice Burke, Marine D Camus, Paul J Norman, Agnel Joseph, Laurent Abi-Rached, Andrea Benazzo, Rita Rasteiro, Iain Mathieson, Maya Topf, Peter Parham, Mark G Thomas, Frances M Brodsky

evolutionary history CLTCL1 from 1000 genomes


Most Recent Common Ancestor of All Living Humans Surprisingly Recent | YaleNews

September 29th, 2019


Modelling the recent common ancestry of all living humans | Nature

September 29th, 2019


Published: 30 September 2004

Modelling the recent common ancestry of all living humans
Douglas L. T. Rohde, Steve Olson & Joseph T. Chang

The Ancestor Hunter | Pacific Standard

September 29th, 2019


GERD and Caffeine: Are Coffee and Tea Off Limits?

September 29th, 2019


Google researchers have reportedly achieved “quantum supremacy” – MIT Technology Review

September 29th, 2019


Factfile – Inherited metabolic disorders – HPA and PKU

September 29th, 2019


Phenylketonuria – Wikipedia

September 29th, 2019
