Archive for the ‘tech’ Category

Turn Off Your Push Notifications. All of Them | WIRED

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

Turn Off Your Push Notifications Importance of #Quiet! I find #Gmail’s “learned” categories effective for key msgs

Periodic Table Resource for Mark Gerstein

Sunday, July 16th, 2017

#PeriodicTable of Technology Nicely shows what each chemical element is used for in hi-tech

Periodic Table of Technology

AI for drug discovery – cyan

Wednesday, July 5th, 2017

Make Pharma Great Again w. AI, by @mostafabenh Optimism-inducing Moore’s law in tech vs. #Eroom’s law for drugs

Drug discovery is getting increasingly tough and expensive. Despite technological progress, the cost of developing a new drug doubles every nine years. That’s Eroom’s law of Pharma, which mirrors Moore’s law for computer performance.


Drugs are getting more expensive

In the tech industry, the situation is different. Optimism prevails. Tech is fueled by Moore’s law, the fact that computer performance is doubling every 18 months.

Moore’s law

This exponential progress keeps prices low. For example, Google gives away the use of its new TPU chip for free, for some scientific projects. Tech companies are more generous due to their feeling of abundance. How can Tech help Pharma, especially at a time of expansion for Artificial Intelligence?

‘Make Pharma Great Again with Artificial Intelligence: some Challenges’

FormBox: A Desktop Vacuum Former That Makes Beautiful Things

Saturday, July 1st, 2017

FormBox: A Desktop…Former…Makes Beautiful Things, by @TeamMayku 3D printouts w/ chocolate & cement + ABS, PVC…

ice too

“Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene ABS (the stuff Lego is made from) Polystyrene PS (Commonly found in: Product packaging)
Polycarbonate PC (Commonly found in: Drinks bottles)
Polypropylene PP (Commonly found in: Buckets, spades, chairs, everything!) Polyethylene (Commonly found in: sheet and foamed sheet)
PE (Commonly found in: Insulating cases, bottles)
Polyvinyl Chloride PVC (Commonly found in: straws, plastic pipes) Acrylic PMMA (Commonly found in: Light up signs)
PETg (Commonly found in: Food safe molds)
HIPS (Commonly found in: Disposable cups)”

The lost genius of the Post Office

Tuesday, June 20th, 2017

The lost genius of the @USPS Innovator (which once pioneered pneumatics & even missile delivery), now sclerotic


“The first half of the 20th century was a dynamic time for the Post Office. It immensely improved mail receipt and delivery by adopting innovations from the private sector and abroad. Train cars were designed to mesh two separate aspects of mail delivery: mail sorting and delivery. Rather than have mail delivered to a post office in a jumble and then sorted by postal clerks, clerks on rail cars sorted the mail while it was en route. Bags of sorted mail were hung on posts outside train stations and post offices without the train even needing to stop.

The agency even toyed with moving mail by missile. Why schlep over ground when letters could be launched through the air at 600 miles per hour? “Before man reaches the moon,” Postmaster General Arthur A. Summerfield proclaimed in 1959, “mail will be delivered within hours from New York to California, to England, to India or to Australia by guided missiles.”

OVERSHADOWING ALL THE invention, however, was the creeping sclerosis of the Post Office as an institution. As a monopoly, it was insulated from competitive pressures, allowing inefficiency to creep into its operations and management.

Things began to change in the 1960s. Postal workers unionized, and President John F. Kennedy authorized them to bargain collectively in 1962. Despite growing mail volume, the Post Office ran perennial deficits, and its investment in the guts of the system—mail receipt and sortation—lagged. The system broke down in Chicago in 1966, and 10 million pieces of mail were backlogged for days.”

Apple just updated its thinnest, lightest MacBook — here’s what’s new

Wednesday, June 14th, 2017

“…ports it’s packing; comparable Windows laptops typically go for less.

But it is well-made, and with the Mac becoming less and less relevant to Apple’s bottom line, the company’s laptop business seems to be focusing exclusively on the high-end.”

How important the Mac is to Apple’s revenue: CHART – Business Insider

Wednesday, June 14th, 2017

How important the Mac is to $AAPL’s revenue? Not much: now 11% from 86% in ’00. Why MacBook users are irrelevant!

This chart from Statista helps explain why Apple may be so slow to update Mac hardware in recent years, though. Put simply, it’s just not as big a deal anymore: With the iPhone and iPad helping to change the way we use computers, the Mac now makes up just 11% of Apple’s yearly revenue. It is a phone company, first and foremost.

Google discontinues the RSS feed from Google Calendars

Wednesday, June 14th, 2017

$GOOGL ends #gcal RSS & public #photos homepage; thought I could trust it for stability!msg/photos/8QqjlFdYzyc/1_YCwkYWBwAJ
+ On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 10:54 PM, Mark Gerstein wrote:

Nest cams back from the dead with new home monitoring device

Tuesday, June 13th, 2017

.@Nest cams back from the dead with new…monitoring device Creepy: it can distinguish family members from strangers


“Using some deep-learning tech from Google, the Cam IQ can accurately detect what’s moving within its field of vision — whether it’s just your pet, for instance, or a shadow cast by the changing light. If it’s something more sinister, like a person, the camera can then automatically zoom in and track that person as they move around the room. Should you opt to subscribe to the Nest Aware service ($10 per month or $100 per year), the Cam IQ will also offer a facial recognition facility that will sort between known friends or family members and any strangers, and alert you accordingly. Additionally, making use of those extra mics, Nest Aware can now also pick up audio cues for alarm, whether it be a dog barking, humans talking, or a window being smashed.”

Seeing with Your Tongue – The New Yorker

Wednesday, June 7th, 2017

Sight Unseen New devices let one see w/ one’s tongue; they also open the
possibility for new types of #perception