Posts Tagged ‘x57l’

Genopri 2017 – Home

Saturday, September 2nd, 2017

ASHG 2017 Schedule of Events | ASHG 2017 Annual Meeting

Saturday, September 2nd, 2017

HGVS 8:30 – 4 on Tue 10/17
Hilton Orlando Hotel
Lake Eola, Lobby Level

ASHG Pres. address in convention center on Tue. 10/17 at 4:30 pm

Following sessions in the rest of the week at the convention center

iDASH Privacy & security workshop 2017 – Home

Saturday, September 2nd, 2017

GitHub – ejfertig/NSFBiosketch: R markdown file to extract list of collaborators and affiliations from pubmed for NSF biosketch

Monday, August 28th, 2017

Buy and sell used stuff

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017

2 Ways to Use a Custom Domain with Dropbox – fredericiana

Tuesday, July 25th, 2017


Option 2: CNAME

There’s another option that doesn’t require any changes to your server. However, you’ll need access to your provider’s DNS settings.

If you do have such access, you can create a DNS CNAME record. A CNAME record is essentially a domain alias, forwarding one domain name to another.

It’s pretty simple:

  1. Access your provider’s DNS settings menu. Providers should have a help file about how to do this, like this one from Hover.
  2. Add a new DNS record, type: CNAME.
  3. Choose a domain name (such as and point it to

Once the changes have been picked up by the DNS system, you’re done! Your screenshots will be available under a URL like:

While certainly elegant, one (big) caveat of this solution is that the resulting URLs still contain the portion /u/XYZ/Screenshots. Because the CNAME record works purely on a domain level, there is no way for us to hide this portion of the URLs with this method.


IBM Watson Developer Cloud

Tuesday, July 18th, 2017

Post-transcriptional regulation across human tissues

Sunday, July 16th, 2017

Post-transcriptional reg…across…tissues [v genes], by @SlavovLab Simpson’s paradox! Diff in protein-mRNA corr.

Set Up, Manage and Protect Apple Devices at Work | Jamf Now

Saturday, July 15th, 2017

AI for drug discovery – cyan

Wednesday, July 5th, 2017

Make Pharma Great Again w. AI, by @mostafabenh Optimism-inducing Moore’s law in tech vs. #Eroom’s law for drugs

Drug discovery is getting increasingly tough and expensive. Despite technological progress, the cost of developing a new drug doubles every nine years. That’s Eroom’s law of Pharma, which mirrors Moore’s law for computer performance.


Drugs are getting more expensive

In the tech industry, the situation is different. Optimism prevails. Tech is fueled by Moore’s law, the fact that computer performance is doubling every 18 months.

Moore’s law

This exponential progress keeps prices low. For example, Google gives away the use of its new TPU chip for free, for some scientific projects. Tech companies are more generous due to their feeling of abundance. How can Tech help Pharma, especially at a time of expansion for Artificial Intelligence?

‘Make Pharma Great Again with Artificial Intelligence: some Challenges’