Posts Tagged ‘regulome’

The Mycobacterium tuberculosis regulatory network and hypoxia

Saturday, July 13th, 2013

We have taken the first steps towards a complete reconstruction of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis regulatory network based on ChIP-Seq and combined this reconstruction with system-wide profiling of messenger RNAs, proteins, metabolites and lipids during hypoxia and re-aeration. …Using ChIP-Seq combined with expression
data from the induction of the same factors, we have reconstructed a draft regulatory network based on 50 transcription factors….The regulatory network reveals transcription factors
underlying these changes, allows us to computationally predict expression changes, and indicates that Rv0081 is a regulatory hub. “

“Super-enhancers” may decide cell fate & are perhaps useful for cancer therapies

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

Super-powered switches may decide cell fate : Nature News & Comment