Posts Tagged ‘genedrive’

The creation and selection of mutations resistant to a gene drive over multiple generations in the malaria mosquito

Friday, June 29th, 2018

Creation & selection of mutations resistant to a #GeneDrive over mult. generations in the malaria mosquito Indels created by #NHEJ-based repair of DS breaks give rise to resistance (probably resulting from mis-matches due to
micro-homologies near breakpts)

The creation and selection of mutations resistant to a gene drive over multiple generations in the malaria mosquito

Friday, June 29th, 2018

Creation & selection of mutations resistant to a #GeneDrive over mult. generations in the malaria mosquito Indels created by #NHEJ-based repair of DS breaks give rise to resistance (probably resulting from mis-matches due to
micro-homologies near breakpts)

How DNA Editing Could Change Life on Earth

Thursday, February 23rd, 2017

“One of Esvelt’s goals at M.I.T. is to facilitate that shift. Part of his job, as he sees it, is to challenge what he describes as “the ridiculous notion that natural and good are the same thing.” Instead, he told me, we ought to think about intelligent design as an instrument of genetics. He smiled because the phrase “intelligent design” usually refers to the anti-Darwinian theory that the universe, with all its intricacies and variations, is too complex to have arisen by chance—that there had to be a guiding hand. The truth is more prosaic, and also more remarkable: for four billion years, evolution, driven by natural selection and random mutation, has insured that the most efficient genes would survive and the weakest would disappear. But, propelled by CRISPR and other tools of synthetic biology, intelligent design has taken on an entirely new meaning, one that threatens to transcend Darwin—because evolution may soon be guided by us.”

How DNA Editing Could Change Life on Earth Intelligent design from CRISPR & gene drive rather than natural selection