Posts Tagged ‘evolution’

Mountain gorilla genomes reveal the impact of long-term population decline and inbreeding

Monday, May 25th, 2015

Mtn gorilla genomes reveal…impact of long-term…inbreeding Pop. variation so low that very deleterious SNPs purged

Science 10 April 2015:
Vol. 348 no. 6231 pp. 242-245
DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa3952

Mountain gorilla genomes reveal the impact of long-term population decline and inbreeding

Yali Xue1,*,
Javier Prado-Martinez2,*,
Peter H. Sudmant3,*,

Tomas Marques-Bonet2,12,
Chris Tyler-Smith1,†,
Aylwyn Scally13,†

Comparative genomics reveals insights into avian genome evolution and adaptation

Saturday, May 16th, 2015

Comparative #genomics reveals insights into avian…#evolution Less repeats & dups in birds; woodpecker, an exception

Science 12 December 2014:
Vol. 346 no. 6215 pp. 1311-1320
DOI: 10.1126/science.1251385

Comparative genomics reveals insights into avian genome evolution and adaptation

Guojie Zhang1,2,*,†,
Cai Li1,3,*,
Avian Genome Consortium§,
Erich D. Jarvis20,†,
M. Thomas P. Gilbert3,56,†,
Jun Wang1,55,57,58,59,†

The evolutionary history of lethal metastatic prostate cancer : Nature : Nature Publishing Group

Saturday, May 2nd, 2015

The evolutionary history of…metastatic prostate #cancer Unexpected: polyclonal "seeding" w/ much met-to-met spread

Syntrophic exchange in synthetic microbial communities

Saturday, March 28th, 2015

Syntrophic exchange in synthetic #microbial communities [& their evolution] Trading metabolically costly amino acids

A New Theory on How Neanderthal DNA Spread in Asia

Friday, February 27th, 2015

New Theory on How #Neanderthal DNA Spread in Asia by @carlzimmer 2nd pulse of mating w/ humans v better preservation

Mammalian Y chromosomes retain widely expressed dosage-sensitive regulators : Nature : Nature Publishing Group

Saturday, February 21st, 2015

Mammalian Y chromosomes retain widely expressed dosage-sensitive regulators Reconstructed #evolution across 8 species

Daniel W. Bellott,
Jennifer F. Hughes,

Richard A. Gibbs,
Richard K. Wilson
& David C. Page

Nature 508, 494–499 (24 April 2014) doi:10.1038/nature13206

The Superorganism Revolution » American Scientist

Saturday, January 24th, 2015

The Superorganism Revolution The lack of distinction between ecological v evolutionary change for the #microbiome

This distinction between ecological and evolutionary timescales appears fundamental, but may not apply when dealing with the microbiome. For many if not all members of the human microbial fauna, generation times are measured in hours or even minutes. These short generation times, coupled with the large population sizes of many bacteria, effectively elide the boundary between ecological and evolutionary time (this attribute also accounts for the fiendish ability of viruses to outrace both the immune system and efforts to combat viral infections).

Nuclear reaction

Saturday, November 22nd, 2014

Nuclear reaction Hypothesis from BMC paper on #evolution of eukaryotes from membrane blebs (

An inside-out origin for the eukaryotic cell

David A Baum and Buzz Baum

BMC Biology 2014, 12:76 doi:10.1186/s12915-014-0076-2


The consensus is that the first eukaryote was a prokaryote which engulfed, but failed on several occasions to digest, other
prokaryotes. One of these undigested meals was a bacterium ancestral to mitochondria. Even today mitochondria have their own genes separate from those in the nucleus. These genes, which are carried on circular DNA molecules like those in bacteria, resemble those in a group of bacteria called Rickettsiales,

They imagine the original host prokaryote creating small protrusions, known to microbiologists as blebs, that poked out of it, as the diagram shows, like tiny fingers. Blebs like this are known to form in certain sorts of archaea, a group of prokaryotes distinct from bacteria proper that biochemical evidence suggests were involved in the formation of eukaryotes. The job of blebs is unclear, as archaea are not a well-studied group, but they may be feeding structures. The Drs Baum suggest that, in the case of the ancestral eukaryote, the blebs grew bigger and bigger, pinning proto-mitochondria (and, on a subsequent occasion, proto-chloroplasts), into the intervening spaces. “}}

Phylomemetics—Evolutionary Analysis beyond the Gene

Sunday, September 21st, 2014

Phylomemetics—Evolutionary Analysis beyond the Gene #Phylogenetics for texts, languages & artifacts (w/ recoding)

1309.6001 Co-evolutionary dynamics in social networks: A case study of Twitter

Friday, September 19th, 2014