Posts Tagged ‘dna’

Dark DNA: The missing matter at the heart of nature | New Scientist

Wednesday, August 8th, 2018

Dark DNA: The missing matter at the heart of nature Nice discussion of the implications of difficult to sequence bits of the genome (eg highly GC rich regions)

Sampling DNA From a 1,000-Year-Old Illuminated Manuscript

Sunday, September 17th, 2017

Sampling DNA From a 1K-Year-Old…Manuscript As reported from a unsubmitted preprint. Pot. #privacy implications

Remarkably, the authors say they extracted all this DNA without destroying even a tiny piece of parchment. All they needed were the crumbs from rubbing the book with erasers, which conservationists routinely use to clean manuscripts. The authors report their findings in a preprint that has not yet been peer-reviewed, though they plan to submit it to a scientific journal.”

New life for old bones

Monday, September 14th, 2015

New life for old bones An explosion in ancient DNA research. Water & heat hard on DNA, creating a northern bias

Alexander Rich Dies at 90; Confirmed DNA’s Double Helix –

Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

[After a long career] Alexander Rich Dies at 90; Confirmed #DNA’s Double Helix Helped unravel Z-DNA & RNA structure

Half a Million DVDs in Your DNA | Science/AAAS | News

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

Half a Million DVDs in Your #DNA: Nice writeup of Goldman et al paper, highlighting 3X density incr. to >2 PB / g DNA

Very interesting discussion outside of science about the potential of storing large quantities of archival data on DNA. The statistic is that you can store a little more than 2 petabytes in a gram of DNA. This is actually cost effective relative to magnetic tape if one wants to do storage for >500 years. However one imagines that as the price of DNA sequencing and synthesis goes down this will become more favorable, perhaps being reasonable for archival storage in the ~50 year regimen. One of the issues with DNA storage, of course, is the lack of random access and the inability to rewrite over already stored media. But for long-term archival storage DNA is considerably more stable than the magnetic storage on tape or disk.

Economist article on DNA computers

Saturday, March 10th, 2012