Posts Tagged ‘asthma’

Predicting asthma attacks in kids

Sunday, November 24th, 2019

The Southern California team is building an informatics platform that integrates commercially available air pollution sensors as well as wearable environmental sensors developed by academic researchers. The project is part of the PRISMS initiative established in 2015 by the US National Institutes of Health. Information from the sensors, along with a person’s geolocation, physical activity, and health data, is wirelessly transmitted to the person’s smart watch and smartphone in real time. Participants use the smartphone to self-report symptoms and information related to daily activities. The informatics platform also uses the individual’s location to integrate weather, traffic, and air-quality data into the data stream.

Climate change linked to more pollen, allergies, asthma

Tuesday, August 8th, 2017

#Climatechange linked to…allergies, #asthma Pollen up from a longer season; monitoring done w/o pay by volunteers

“All of these things are likely affecting us,” says the CDC’s Akinbami, but it’s unclear which factors — chemicals, hygiene, pollen — have the most impact or what their relationship is to each other. She says the first two sensitize people and the third triggers their sensitivity.

On the pollen front alone, there are large gaps in the data, says the CDC’s Luber, noting pollen counts are not done on weekends and don’t cover every state. There’s not a single pollen-counting station in Alaska, Hawaii or 16 other U.S. states.

In fact, the 76 U.S. stations (plus one in Puerto Rico) are run by volunteers trained and certified by the National Allergy Bureau, part of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), a private organization that promotes research and treatment.

“There’s no federal funding,” says Linda Ford, an allergist who volunteers to do the count for the Omaha area as a way to help her patients. “There is no automated service for this,” she says, adding it can take as long as two or three hours.”

Immune Disorders and Autism –

Tuesday, June 20th, 2017

“For people, a drug that’s safe for use during pregnancy may help. A probiotic, many of which have anti-inflammatory properties, may also be of benefit. Not coincidentally, asthma researchers are arriving at similar conclusions; prevention of the lung disease will begin with the pregnant woman. Dr. Parker has more radical ideas: pre-emptive restoration of “domesticated” parasites in everybody — worms developed solely for the purpose of correcting the wayward, postmodern immune system.

Practically speaking, this seems beyond improbable. And yet, a trial is under way at the Montefiore Medical Center and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine testing a medicalized parasite called Trichuris suis in autistic adults.

First used medically to treat inflammatory bowel disease, the whipworm, which is native to pigs, has anecdotally shown benefit in autistic children.

And really, if you spend enough time wading through the science, Dr. Parker’s idea — an ecosystem restoration project, essentially — not only fails to seem outrageous, but also seems inevitable.”

American Thoracic Society – Tighter Air Pollution Standards May Save Thousands of Lives, Greatly Improve Public Health

Saturday, August 13th, 2016

Interesting commentary in

about reducing urban pollution.

In terms of deaths averted per person, NYC comes across very well vs LA & New Haven (10x better!), viz:

City Deaths-Averted City-Population Ratio URL
New Haven 55 130660 0.0004209
Phoenix 598 1513000 0.0003952
LA 1341 3884000 0.0003453
NYC 282 8406000 0.0000335

However, I probably have the wrong values for the relevant populations (ie should have used metro-area).

Has Theraflu been discontinued? | Yahoo Answers

Friday, November 13th, 2015

Identification of Asthma Phenotypes Using Cluster Analysis in the Severe Asthma Research Program (ATS Journals)

Saturday, May 30th, 2015

Identification of #Asthma Phenotypes Using Cluster Analysis 5 canonical groups based on lung function, meds usage, &c

Canonical clustering of asthmatic patients into different groups

Noninvasive Analysis of the Sputum Transcriptome Discriminates Clinical Phenotypes of Asthma (ATS Journals)

Saturday, May 30th, 2015

Analysis of the Sputum Transcriptome Discriminates Clinical Phenotypes of Asthma Consistent blood expression patterns

Noninvasive Analysis of the Sputum Transcriptome Discriminates
Clinical Phenotypes of Asthma (ATS Journals)

Yan, X., Chu, J.-H., Gomez, J., Koenigs, M., Holm, C., He, X., Perez,
M. F., Zhao, H., Mane, S., Martinez, F. D., Ober, C., Nicolae, D. L.,
Barnes, K. C., London, S. J., Gilliland, F., Weiss, S. T., Raby, B.
A., Cohn, L., and Chupp, G. L. “Non-Invasive Analysis of the Sputum
Transcriptome Discriminates Clinical Phenotypes of Asthma” American
Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (2015):

Conclusions: There are common patterns of gene expression in the
sputum and blood of children and adults that are associated with near
fatal, severe and milder asthma.
"}} PiKo-1 Electronic Peak Flow Meter and FEV1 Meter: Health & Personal Care

Sunday, December 28th, 2014

On Amazon but reviews indicate that computer interface is a bit problematic

Spiro PD

Sunday, December 28th, 2014

Seems to have a complex computer interface; not available from Amazon

My Spiroo Can Tell Your Doctor When You’re Out Of Breath | TechCrunch

Sunday, December 28th, 2014

works with iphone but doesn’t appear to available as of Dec-2014