Ever more countries are banning plastic bags – Daily chart

August 11th, 2019


There Was No Gunfire in Times Square. But the Panic Was Still Real. – The New York Times

August 11th, 2019


pp | Definition of pp in English by Oxford Dictionaries

August 11th, 2019

Per procurationem (used when signing a letter on someone else’s behalf). “}}

The Books of College Libraries Are Turning Into Wallpaper

August 11th, 2019

“But there is another future that these statistics and our nostalgic reaction to them might produce: the research library as a Disneyland of books, with banker’s lamps and never-cracked spines providing the suggestion of, but not the true interaction with, knowledge old and new. As beautiful as those libraries appear—and I, too, find myself unconsciously responding to such surroundings, having grown up studying in them—we should beware the peril of books as glorified wallpaper. The value of books, after all, is what lies beneath their covers, as lovely as those covers may be.


Quantifying the impact of public omics data.

August 11th, 2019

similar idea to quantifying the value of the data

A Battle Is Raging in the Tree of Life – The New York Times

August 11th, 2019


NYTimes: Walmart Shooting in El Paso Renews Attention on Crime Frequency at Its Stores

August 11th, 2019


Use and Care of Gage Blocks

August 11th, 2019


Midsummer Course Sharpens Skills in Informatics and Data Science | Yale School of Medicine

August 11th, 2019


Nobel Winner Kary Banks Mullis, Who Revolutionized DNA Research, Dies in O.C. – MyNewsLA.com

August 10th, 2019
