Posts Tagged ‘Titanic’

Adam Gopnik: 2014 and 1914 : The New Yorker

Saturday, January 18th, 2014

.@carstenknoch 3 parallels v 2?: #Titanic ’12 iceberg; Britannic ’16 mine; Olympic, reliable to ’35. 2014 & 1914

JANUARY 6, 2014

Then the ship sets off from Southampton, sure of itself, unsinkable, until it comes to the ice fields of the North Atlantic, off the coast of Newfoundland—and speeds right on through them to its anchorage, here in New York. Because this ship isn’t the Titanic but its nearly identical twin sister, the Olympic, made at the same time, by the same people, to do the same job in the same way. (A single memorable image exists of the two ships in dock together.) The Olympic not only successfully completed its maiden voyage but became known as Old Reliable, serving as a troop carrier in the First World War, and sailing on for twenty years more. (A third, late-released liner in the same class, the Britannic, hit a mine in the Aegean, in 1916, while serving as a hospital ship, and sank, a true casualty of war.) “}}