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Places we visited in London

Sunday, October 30th, 2016

Various things I’ve liked:

National Portrait Gallery
National Gallery
Victoria and Albert Museum
Courtauld Gallery
Tate Modern *
the British Museum *

Hampstead Heath
Princess D Playground
St. James Park
Green park and Hyde park *

Buckingham Palace playground
Parliament Buildings *
St Paul’s *
Windsor castle *
Buckingham Palace (with Changing of the Guard) *

Trafalgar Square
Liverpool st, Waterloo & King’s cross stations
Greenwich Observatory *
Ferry on the Thames (with London bridge) *
Mecklenburgh Square (where London house is) *
Notting Hill *
Russell Sq & Sloane Sq *
Bond St *
Covent Garden
Leicester Square

Harrods Department Store
Pizza express
John Snow Pub *

Ham House
Ickworth * (outside of City)
Osterly park *
Kew gardens *
Royal hospital in Chelsea (Air Fair)

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