Posts Tagged ‘exercise’

Want To Live Longer? Take Up Tennis.

Saturday, October 13th, 2018

Want To Live Longer? Take Up Tennis, by @StevenSalzberg1 +10 yrs w/ tennis vs +3.4 swimming & +3.2 jogging. This is very surprising. Is there a hidden confounder? Income?


“Tennis: 9.7 years gain in life expectancy
Badminton: 6.2 years
Soccer: 4.7 years
Cycling: 3.7 years
Swimming: 3.4 years
Jogging: 3.2 years
Calisthenics: 3.1 years
Health club activities: 1.5 years
The authors didn’t expect tennis to do so well, as you can see in this quote:

“Surprisingly, we found that tennis players had the longest expected lifetime among the 8 different sports.”

One possible reason for tennis, badminton, and soccer doing so well is that out of the 8 sports studied, these are the ones that require 2 or more people and involve social interaction. As the authors explain,” “}}

No sweat: The smart guide to exercise | New Scientist

Sunday, August 19th, 2018

No sweat: The smart guide to exercise Useful tidbits related to scientific studies of #exercise: stretching has not proven useful. 150 min/week is good &half that in HIT, even better

Data mining reveals that Pokemon Go players increased their activity levels by 25 percent on average

Saturday, November 19th, 2016

Pokemon GO players increased their activity levels by 25% From doing query relating websearch terms w. band usage

An integrative analysis reveals coordinated reprogramming of the epigenome and the transcriptome in human skeletal muscle after training

Friday, February 12th, 2016

Reprogramming…#epigenome & transcriptome in…muscle after training Delta(Me) from #exercise in 1 leg v. other

Exercise has long been known to have an effect on health, lowering the incidence of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Recently, it has been found that exercise can have a direct effect on DNA methylation and gene expression. A group of 23 subjects exercised one leg but not the other for 45 minutes four times a week for three months. At the end of this period, the methylation and gene expression patterns were different in the exercised leg relative to the one that did not exercise, indicating a direct effect of exercise on

Quote from:,+lowering+the+incidence+of+cardiovascular+disease,+obesity,+and+type+2+diabetes.+Recently,+it+has+been+found+that+exercise+can+have+a+direct+effect+on+DNA+methylation+and+gene+expression.+A+group+of+23+subjects+exercised+one+leg+but+not+the+other+for+45+minutes+four+times+a+week+for+three+months.+At+the+end+of+this+period,+the+methylation+and+gene+expression+patterns+were+different+in+the+exercised+leg+relative+to+the+one+that+did+not+exercise,+indicating+a+direct+effect+of+exercise+on+epigenetics.&source=bl&ots=paSuwD6wvw&sig=gwFDNYvSMRlkFouTcaoyf9q3c20&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjZzv7imu3KAhXK5SYKHaP6DdEQ6AEIHjAA#v=onepage&q=Exercise%20has%20long%20been%20known%20to%20have%20an%20effect%20on%20health%2C%20lowering%20the%20incidence%20of%20cardiovascular%20disease%2C%20obesity%2C%20and%20type%202%20diabetes.%20Recently%2C%20it%20has%20been%20found%20that%20exercise%20can%20have%20a%20direct%20effect%20on%20DNA%20methylation%20and%20gene%20expression.%20A%20group%20of%2023%20subjects%20exercised%20one%20leg%20but%20not%20the%20other%20for%2045%20minutes%20four%20times%20a%20week%20for%20three%20months.%20At%20the%20end%20of%20this%20period%2C%20the%20methylation%20and%20gene%20expression%20patterns%20were%20different%20in%20the%20exercised%20leg%20relative%20to%20the%20one%20that%20did%20not%20exercise%2C%20indicating%20a%20direct%20effect%20of%20exercise%20on%20epigenetics.&f=false

Understanding the Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Physical Activity-Induced Health Benefits: Cell Metabolism

Saturday, December 5th, 2015

Cellular…Mechanisms of Physical Activity-Induced Health Benefits Mitochondria important to “#exercise responsome”

… augmenting overall mitochondrial density and oxidative
phosphorylation capacity by as much as 2-fold (Hood et al., 2011). Moreover, PA affects mito-chondrial quality as well as quantity, and recent studies suggest that the functional properties of these organelles are much more heterogeneous and dynamic in nature than previously appreci-ated (Jacobs and Lundby, 2013). Interestingly, PA-induced mito-chondrial biogenesis also occurs in tissues other than skeletal muscle, including brain (E et al., 2013; Steiner et al., 2011), liver (Boveris and Navarro, 2008; E et al., 2013; Navarro et al., 2004), adipose tissue (Laye et al., 2009; Sutherland et al., 2009), and kidney (Navarro et al., 2004), providing evidence that exercise also increases metabolic demand in these tissues and/or stimu-lates inter-organ crosstalk.
The rate-limiting impediment to discovery of molecular trans-ducers and their function is not the ‘‘omic” core technology, but the bioinformatics to extract the most useful signals and generate the most appropriate biological interpretation, including those associated with exercise adaptation. Robust computational and bioinformatics analytical tools allowing inte-gration of large datasets from a multiplicity of ‘‘omics” platforms with in vivo exercise physiology assays and measurements would contribute greatly to our understanding of the response to acute bouts of exercise and long-term adaptation to regular exercise exposure.
this regard, the development of detailed molecular profiles in cells and tissues in response to acute and chronic exposures to exercise (‘‘the exercise responsomes”) would provide the benchmark against which all other exercise-related conditions, including aging, sex differences, disease states, etc., could be compared for commonality and specificity.

Resources are needed not only to fund new trainees, but also to restructure current programs in a manner that combines studies in integrative physiology and bioenergetics with training in basic biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, and bioinformatics. Additional resources are needed to establish mechanisms for assembling and supporting interdisciplinary teams that are able to catalyze and sustain ex-ercise research. The field would likewise benefit from a program to support a multi-site consortium of exercise scientists with complimentary expertise and resources that together are well positioned to tackle the large, challenging problems relevant to the overarching mission.

How Exercise Can Boost Young Brains

Tuesday, December 9th, 2014

How Exercise Can Boost Young #Brains Running around & acting like a kid is, in fact, good for kids. Duhh!

Is Sitting At Your Desk Killing You?

Saturday, November 1st, 2014

Is Sitting At Your Desk Killing You? @stevensalzberg1 dissects stats of a study relating #standing to telomere length