Posts Tagged ‘28Jan16’

Gerstein Lab Highlights in 2015

Sunday, January 31st, 2016

I recently had to complete my 2015 Faculty Activity Report (FAR), summarizing key lab “activities” of last year. (Sounds a bit like summer camp.)

Here are some excerpts:

* A full updated CV describing my lab’s activities (in too much detail):

* This is mostly based on compiling the people in the lab in ’15 & the papers they’ve worked on :

There’s also an update on lectures in ’15:

* Finally, I’ve done little write up of some highlights, viz:

Highlights for 2015 include a number of technical computational biology papers, discussing such things as structural variant breakpoint analysis, regulatory network characterization in terms of logical circuits, and the identification of recurrent cancer variants. We also participated in some major consortium papers (1000G, PsychENCODE, and TCGA Prostate & Kidney) and had some popular-interest pieces (eg a SF Chronicle op-ed on website regulation). There were a few important lectures (eg keynote at Genome Informatics ’15). Finally, we received new grants such as the renewal of the Yale CMG sequencing center.

(Private link, with authentication only for my reference: