Should internet firms pay for the data users currently give away?
October 15th, 2019QT:{{”
“Still, the paper contains essential insights which should frame discussion of data’s role in the economy. One concerns the imbalance of power in the market for data. That stems partly from concentration among big internet firms. But it is also because, though data may be extremely valuable in aggregate, an individual’s personal data typically are not. For one Facebook user to threaten to deprive Facebook of his data is no threat at all. So effective negotiation with internet firms might require collective action: and the formation, perhaps, of a “data-labour union”.
This might have drawbacks. A union might demand too much in
compensation for data, for example, impairing the development of useful AIs. It might make all user data freely available and extract compensation by demanding a share of firms’ profits; that would rule out the pay-for-data labour model the authors see as vital to improving data quality. Still, a data union holds potential as a way of solidifying worker power at a time when conventional unions struggle to remain relevant.”
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October 15th, 201967.5% indirect rate (vs 60% at bcm)
A Mosaic Activating Mutation in AKT1 Associated with the Proteus Syndrome
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October 15th, 2019Witch’s broom – Wikipedia
October 15th, 2019QT:{{”
Witch’s broom can be caused by cytokinin, a phytohormone, interfering with an auxin-regulated bud. In normal plant function, an auxin would keep the secondary, tertiary, and so on tips from overgrowing, but cytokinin can sometimes interfere with this control, causing these apices to grow into witch’s brooms.
Witch’s broom may be caused by many different types of organisms, including fungi, oomycetes, insects, mistletoe, dwarf mistletoes, mites, nematodes, phytoplasmas, or viruses.[4] The broom growths may last for many years, typically for the life of the host plant. Human activity is sometimes behind the introduction of these organisms, for example, by failing to observe hygienic practice and thereby infecting the tree with the causative organism, or by pruning a tree improperly, and thereby weakening it.
Doesn’t seem to be related to somatic mosaicism
The stockmarket is now run by computers, algorithms and passive managers – March of the machines
October 15th, 2019Piecing together the puzzle of cutaneous mosaicism
October 14th, 2019QT:{{”
More than a century ago, the lines of Blaschko were first described by German dermatologist Alfred Blaschko, based on the observation of patterned skin lesions that were linear on the extremities, S-shaped on the anterior trunk, and V-shaped on the back
Chimera (genetics) – Wikipedia
October 14th, 2019QT:{{”
Tetragametic chimerism is a form of congenital chimerism. This condition occurs through the fertilisation of two separate ova by two sperm, followed by aggregation of the two at the blastocyst or zygote stages. This results in the development of an organism with
intermingled cell lines. Put another way, the chimera is formed from the merging of two nonidentical twins (a similar merging presumably occurs with identical twins, but as their genotypes are not
significantly distinct, the resulting individual would not be considered a chimera). As such, they can be male, female, or have mixed intersex characteristics.