Can the Pixel 4 win back Google’s camera crown? – The Verge
October 21st, 2019Google Pixel 4 Hands On: Damn, It’s Thoughtful
October 21st, 2019Recreation Archives – Visit Guilford CT
October 21st, 2019A lot of trails can be found here, including Westwoods
at the Branford/Guilford border
A primer on deep learning in genomics | Nature Genetics
October 21st, 2019A primer on deep learning in genomics | Nature Genetics
James Zou, Mikael Huss, Abubakar Abid, Pejman Mohammadi, Ali Torkamani & Amalio Telenti
Nature Genetics volume 51, pages12–18 (2019)
Voice transcription
October 21st, 2019
New pixel 4 announced today includes a new voice record app that does real-time transcription on-device.
Computation and Society Website and Upcoming Events
October 21st, 2019The initial website for the Computation and Society Initiative just got live:
Battle of Austerlitz – Wikipedia
October 20th, 2019Vinclozolin induced epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of pathologies and sperm epimutation biomarkers for specific diseases
October 20th, 2019
Vinclozolin induced epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of pathologies and sperm epimutation biomarkers for specific diseases Eric Nilsson,Stephanie E. King,Margaux McBirney,Deepika
Kubsad,Michelle Pappalardo,Daniel Beck,Ingrid Sadler-Riggleman,Michael K. Skinner