Archive for the ‘tech’ Category

How to Follow Hurricane Irma

Sunday, September 17th, 2017

How to Follow #HurricaneIrma Presentations of weather #uncertainty – cones, spaghetti plots, ensemble forecasts, &c


Besides individual model runs, there are two other types of
model-based maps you might see on the internet. They’re both “spaghetti plots,” which depict many forecast tracks…..
While you might think that these capture the full range of
uncertainty, they often do not. They’re even more prone to understate the total uncertainty than the N.H.C. “cone.”

Another type of spaghetti plot shows an ensemble forecast. Unlike a typical “determinist” forecast, which takes current conditions and simulates a single scenario forward, an ensemble model varies initial conditions slightly and then simulates, propagating uncertainty through the forecast.

Who Owns the Internet?

Monday, September 11th, 2017

The content of no content How powerful Big Tech is. Does it own the internet & by extension the media?

Who Owns the Internet?

Monday, September 11th, 2017

The content of no content How powerful Big Tech is. Does it own the internet & by extension the media?

Identity Thieves Hijack Cellphone Accounts to Go After Virtual Currency

Wednesday, September 6th, 2017

Identity Thieves Hijack Cellphone Accounts to Go After Virtual
Currency Problematic #privacy loophole w/ #2factor

“Hackers have discovered that one of the most central elements of online security — the mobile phone number — is also one of the easiest to steal.
In a growing number of online attacks, hackers have been calling up Verizon, T-Mobile U.S., Sprint and AT&T and asking them to transfer control of a victim’s phone number to a device under the control of the hackers.

Julian Assange, a Man Without a Country

Sunday, September 3rd, 2017

.@JulianAssange, man w/o a country Eisenhower: “If you can’t solve a problem, enlarge it.” Now applied to @WikiLeaks

Dwight Eisenhower is said to have once declared, “If you can’t solve a problem, enlarge it.” Assange had taken a personal legal crisis and blown it up into an international incident: he had teleported himself from the mundane into the tragic realm. A number of WikiLeaks volunteers urged him to step down until

There have been calls for his assassination, and for him to be given a Nobel Peace Prize. Assange often describes himself in simple terms—as a fearless activist—but his character is complicated…

3D printers start to build factories of the future

Monday, August 28th, 2017

#3Dprinters…factories of the future digital light synthesis, a software-controlled chem rxn, now economic viable

“Carbon’s printer uses a process called digital light synthesis, which Dr DeSimone describes as “a software-controlled chemical reaction to grow parts”. It starts with a pool of liquid polymer held in a shallow container that has a transparent base. An ultraviolet image of the first layer of the object to be made is projected through the base. This cures (ie, solidifies) a corresponding volume of the polymer, reproducing the image in perfect detail. That now-solid layer attaches itself to the bottom of a tool lowered into the pool from above. The container’s base itself is permeable to oxygen, a substance that inhibits curing. This stops the layer of cured polymer sticking to the base as well, and thus permits the tool to lift that layer slightly. The process is then repeated with a second layer being added to the first from below. And so on. As the desired shape is completed, the tool lifts it out of the container. It is then baked in an oven to strengthen it.

Dr DeSimone says that digital light synthesis overcomes two common problems of 3D printing. First, it is up to 100 times faster than existing polymer-based printers. Second, the baking process knits the layers together more effectively, making for a stronger product and also one that has smooth surfaces, which reduces the need for additional processing.”

Financial Growing Pains of a Biotech | The Scientist Magazine(R)

Sunday, August 27th, 2017

How DNA-encoded libraries are revolutionizing drug discovery | June 19, 2017 Issue – Vol. 95 Issue 25 | Chemical & Engineering News

Thursday, August 17th, 2017

DNA-encoded libraries are revolutionizing #drug discovery For selected compounds, barcode readout of synthetic steps

How to make soldiers’ brains better at noticing threats

Tuesday, August 15th, 2017

How to make…brains better at noticing threats beyond AR – AT, augmented thinking! Where machines help us recognize

Turn Off Your Push Notifications. All of Them | WIRED

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

Turn Off Your Push Notifications Importance of #Quiet! I find #Gmail’s “learned” categories effective for key msgs