The Eisenhower Method For Taking Action (How to Distinguish Between Urgent and Important Tasks)


“A lot of things that take up mental energy, waste time, and rarely move you toward your goals can easily be eliminated if you apply the Eisenhower Principle. It’s a simple decision-making tool you can use right now. It’s meant to help you question whether an action is really necessary.

You can only benefit from the Eisenhower Method if you can commit yourself to making radical categorization of your daily tasks. This Method requires that you group your tasks and activities into four priorities.

Priority 1 tasks are both urgent and important.
Priority 2 tasks are important but not urgent.
Priority 3 tasks are urgent but not important.
Priority 4 tasks are neither urgent nor important”

The Eisenhower Method For Taking Action (How to Distinguish Between Urgent and Important Tasks) via Instapaper


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