A Style Guide for the Federal Employee

A Style Guide for the Federal Employee
http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/09/a-style-guide-for-the-federal-employee/501431 Pinstripes & combat boots to wrap-around ballistic shades & beards

“The fact is that Washington, D.C., will never be known for its high fashion. But all is not lost. A man just has to follow a few simple rules. First, invest in a couple of nice navy and charcoal suits. They can be off the rack, but make sure they are tailored to your frame. I know, the dark suit seems so boring, but if it fits you well, you just can’t go wrong with it. Then, express yourself through the rest of your ensemble. Dress shoes with a formal sole in whatever style you like (except cowboy boots, which are never cool), patterned dress shirts (though only in blue, white, or lavender), cufflinks if that’s your thing. Dress up for meetings with the president, secretary, or director. Shine your shoes every now and then. And then stop worrying about it. You have too many other impor”


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