Sending Your Secrets Safely with Chaos | Logical Tightrope


Cuomo’s method relies on this synchronized chaos, a somewhat mysterious discovery summarized in a 1990 paper [2] by Louis Pecora and Thomas Carroll at The Naval Research Laboratory. The phenomenon occurs in some situations when part of the outputof one chaotic system is used as an input for a twin chaotic system. If the two systems are properly synchronized, then the second system will mimic the behavior of the first with uncanny fidelity.

Just like Pecora, Carroll, Cuomo, and Oppenheim have done, we’ll look at synchronization in the chaotic Lorenz system (look at my post Edward Lorenz’s Strange Attraction for a Deeper Dive into the Lorenz system). The system comes from Edward Lorenz’s simplification of an atmospheric convection model, and its intriguing chaotic behavior has been studied for decades. It is defined by the following system of nonlinear differential equations:

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