Archive for December, 2013

With Taxi Chief Exiting, a Few Facts for the Road –

Tuesday, December 31st, 2013

Cost of Being Mayor? $650 Million, if He’s Rich –

Tuesday, December 31st, 2013

MOTSEs and the rise of sport.

Monday, December 30th, 2013

What sports tells about how #MOOCs will affect #education. Will MOTSEs disrupt the #sports oligopoly? HT @mkovarski

We need to talk about TED | Benjamin Bratton | Comment is free |

Monday, December 30th, 2013

Academics hide snarky, clever comments in the “acknowledgments” sections of scientific papers.

Saturday, December 28th, 2013

US behavioural research studies skew positive : Nature News & Comment

Friday, December 27th, 2013

Larissa MacFarquhar: The Tragedy of Aaron Swartz : The New Yorker

Friday, December 27th, 2013

Jesse Willms, the Dark Lord of the Internet – Taylor Clark – The Atlantic

Friday, December 27th, 2013

What Apple’s M7 Motion-Sensing Chip Could Do | MIT Technology Review

Friday, December 27th, 2013

What Apple’s M7 Motion-Sensing Chip Could Do: Your #password could become hop, skip, tap, tap & shake $AAPL

Comprehensive long-span paired-end-tag mapping reveals characteristic patterns of structural variations in epithelial cancer genomes – Genome Res.

Friday, December 27th, 2013

Long-span PET mapping reveals characteristic patterns of #SVs in… cancer [v norm] genomes, but no MEIs or small events

The described study used long paired-end-tags (PET) to analyze and compare SVs in cancer and normal genomes. It determined the prevalence of different types of SVs in normal and cancer sample. Overall, the results are interesting and convincing on a qualitative level; however, for the reasons outlined below, more precise and quantitative delineation of the observed effects is highly desirable.

1) Small sample size of normal genomes (only 2 normal genomes)

2) Validation rate was low (< 77%) for everything except deletions, and for singletons it was even lower. .

3) Long PET is not good for finding smaller events (few kbps). Thus, this analysis missed smaller scale SVs and cancer rearrangements.

4) While there is a discussion about breakpoints and associated repeats, it is not very informative as breakpoint locations were not determined to basepair resolution.

5) No MEI were considered — particularly, no cancer MEI were considered in the analysis, while recently it was found that somatic retrotransposition occurs in cancer (Lee et al., PMID: 22745252)..

Comprehensive long-span paired-end-tag mapping reveals characteristic patterns of structural variations in epithelial cancer genomes –

Hillmer AM, Yao F, Inaki K, Lee WH, Ariyaratne PN, Teo AS, Woo XY, Zhang Z, Zhao H, Ukil L, Chen JP, Zhu F, So JB, Salto-Tellez M, Poh WT, Zawack KF, Nagarajan N, Gao S, Li G, Kumar V, Lim HP, Sia YY, Chan CS, Leong ST, Neo SC, Choi PS, Thoreau H, Tan PB, Shahab A, Ruan X, Bergh J, Hall P, Cacheux-Rataboul V, Wei CL, Yeoh KG, Sung WK, Bourque G, Liu ET, Ruan Y.

Genome Res. 2011 May;21(5):665-75. doi: 10.1101/gr.113555.110. Epub 2011 Apr 5.