Posts Tagged ‘precisionmedicine’

Health: Make precision medicine work for cancer care

Monday, April 20th, 2015

Make #precisionmedicine work for cancer @MarkARubin1: >90% of…patients carry a mutation that may be drug-responsive

“Hugely complicated genomic reports are rarely available in electronic form and are seldom tied to basic information about the patient. Whole-genome sequencing on tumour samples from nearly 14,000 people by the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC), for instance, has revealed nearly 13 million mutations across the genome.

Since 2013, working with a team of computational biologists from Weill Cornell and the Centre for Integrative Biology at the University of Trento in Italy, my colleagues and I have conducted a pilot programme to determine the feasibility of tying genomic to clinical data in real time. So far, we have created easy-to-read reports for 250 people with cancer.

We have discovered that more than

"more than 90% of our patients carry a mutation that may be responsive to a known drug — although less than 10% of the patients may be eligible for a clinical trial either for logistical reasons or because there is insufficient evidence to warrant trying a non-approved drug.”