Posts Tagged ‘drivermutations’

Aneuploidy prediction and tumor classification with heterogeneous hidden conditional random fields.

Monday, November 5th, 2012

This paper introduces a new method for detecting copy number variants in cancer genomes that addresses deficiencies of previous detection methods. The new method, dubbed HHCRF by the authors, adds the use of sequential correlations in selecting classification features for inferring copy numbers and identifying clinically relevant genes. This improvement results in higher accuracy on noisy data, and the identification of more clinically relevant genes, relative to previous methods. These results were obtained by testing HHCRF on both simulated array-CGH microarray data, and on actual breast cancer, uveal melanoma, and bladder tumor datasets.
Bioinformatics. 2009 May 15;25(10):1307-13. Epub 2008 Dec 3. Aneuploidy prediction and tumor classification with heterogeneous hidden conditional random fields.
Barutcuoglu Z, Airoldi EM, Dumeaux V, Schapire RE, Troyanskaya OG.