Yale University set to move ahead with three major New Haven projects

Yale…set to move ahead with 3 major New Haven projects
http://www.nhregister.com/general-news/20160905/yale-university-set-to-move-ahead-with-three-major-new-haven-projects Tit-for-tat negotiations to start on the new science bldg


“In the next several months complex issues of contracts with the Yale unions, purchase of medical practices by the Yale New Haven Health System and recognition of a graduate student union are expected to add to the tensions.

City officials confirmed that Yale also threatened to delay a voluntary $5.6 million payment to the city until October, which was first reported by the New Haven Independent.

This payment, negotiated by the last administration, historically has arrived in August to balance the books for the previous fiscal year. A delay would have had a negative impact on the city’s bond ratings.

When assurances were forthcoming that the Gibbs project would be able to move ahead as anticipated, the check arrived in August.

The moves and countermoves appear to be a tit for tat in a game of hardball between the city and its largest employer.”

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