Francis Galton – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Sir Francis Galton, FRS (/ˈfrɑːnsɪs ˈɡɔːltən/; 16 February 1822 – 17 January 1911) was an English Victorian statistician, progressive, polymath,sociologist, psychologist,[1][2] anthropologist, eugenicist, tropical explorer, geographer, inventor, meteorologist,
proto-geneticist, andpsychometrician. He was knighted in 1909.. …
He was a pioneer in eugenics, coining the term itself[3] and the phrase “nature versus nurture”.[4] His book Hereditary Genius (1869) was the first social scientific attempt to study genius and

As the initiator of scientific meteorology, he devised the first weather map, proposed a theory of anticyclones, and was the first to establish a complete record of short-term climatic phenomena on a European scale.[8] He also invented the Galton Whistle for testing differential hearing ability.[9] He was Charles Darwin’s


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